Learn Portuguese

Greetings, I’m Isabel Searle, residing in the enchanting Algarve, Portugal, known for its breathtaking beaches (PRAIAS), splendid weather (BOM TEMPO), and delectable cuisine (BOA COMIDA), this locale serves as the backdrop to my over 15 years of experience in teaching Portuguese.

Initially, my lessons were conducted face-to-face, but with the onset of the pandemic (Pandemia), like many, I adapted. Embracing the virtual realm, I transitioned to group Zoom sessions and one-on-one online classes, drawing participants from across the globe.

A native Portuguese speaker hailing from the picturesque city of Porto in the North, I also hold South African citizenship, having spent many years there. My diverse background includes roles in the entertainment industry, along with serving as an interpreter and tutor for both English and Portuguese.

My teaching methodology sets me apart. Beyond focusing on correctness without shortcuts, I emphasize the significance of cultural understanding and learning by association.

I believe in making lessons engaging, connecting words through their origins, formations, and reasons behind them. By revealing the familial ties between words, I aim to create lasting mental images, facilitating easier learning.

While Portuguese is often perceived as challenging, my teaching approach promises a fun and enjoyable learning experience. Through my recorded video bundles, each comprising 8 short videos lasting around 15 minutes, starting from level ZERO, I invite you to embark on this linguistic journey.

The Zero video serves as your complimentary trial, allowing you to gauge your interest. Should you find my teaching style appealing, you can opt to explore more bundles and progress at your own pace. Your learning journey is in your hands, and the decision to continue or pause is entirely yours.

Whether you choose to stop after 10 bundles or aim for 20 or 30, it’s all about how long you want the rope to be, how deeply you wish to delve into the language.

Rest assured, as long as you’re with me, learning will be not just educational but also enjoyable. Discover not only the language but also the delightful cuisine, with insights into what to savor and why.

Obrigada. Um abraço grande (A big hug). See you soon. Até breve.

Want to fluently communicate in Portuguese ?

“My teaching methodology sets me apart. Beyond focusing on correctness without shortcuts, I emphasize the significance of cultural understanding and learning by association.”

Our Online Courses

Try out – Will I make it ?

A free trial with 24 minutes of content. Take this to see for yourself how easy it can be.

Conversational Portuguese

Teaching the basics to strike up a conversation with the locals

Speak like a Portuguese

In depth courses for learners who are aiming for level A1 or A2


“It is fun learning Portuguese with Isabel. You also learn about the culture of the country.
Isabel teaches the most correct way to speak and write the language, but also tells you how you may hear it said or written colloquially, which is useful.
Isabel also finds ways to help you remember things by breaking down words or giving you the origins so that you remember their meaning.”

Sandra Gough

from England

From someone who has tried every single method to learn Portuguese in the past 16 years. At last I have found Isabel, I can 100% confirm her teaching method works, no bombardment of verbs, I have learnt more Portuguese in the past 3 months than in attending college, private lessons, cds and books. I now find myself, putting sentences together already.
🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟Highly recommended.


Scotland, (lives in Pera now)

Testimonial – “I am an English expat who lives in the Algarve .
I am so glad I joined Isabel’s Portuguese language classes! Not only is she an excellent teacher, she also makes the lessons interesting and fun too 😊 It’s not all heads down and study, we learn about Portuguese history and culture, the origins of certain words and how the language has evolved. A huge bonus is that you learn from the comfort of your own home through Zoom tutorials. There is no pressure from Isabel at all, it’s basically down to the individual to embrace the language and learn at your own pace. I cannot recommend Isabel highly enough 😊”


Pata de Cima, Albufeira

hi my name is Chris I started learning Portuguese with Isabel a couple of years ago. I wanted to learn Portuguese but because my hair is going slightly grey and I’m getting on in years I would never be able to do it. Learning Portuguese with Isabel is such a joy you learn about the Portuguese food and culture the great history of this great country and Isabel teaches is such a way that Learning a new language is fun and enjoyable I can now speak Portuguese with my all my neighbours who don’t speak any English because I live in the countryside. I speak Portuguese everyday because I had lessons with Isabel a fantastic person and a brilliant teacher. I would recommend her to anyone who would like to learn Portuguese.



I have studied Portuguese for 3 years with Isabel and absolutely loved the lessons. Isabel is a great teacher who makes learning fun and keeps the students interested. As well as learning the language we also learn about the country, it’s traditions and culture which is great. She never makes you feel inadequate or embarrassed in any way and is always so encouraging. My Portuguese has progressed wonderfully over the years. I would highly recommend Isabel as a teacher.
Sandra McGuinness


As a person who was moving to Portugal soon and had very limited skills regarding the Portuguese language, I was referred to Isabel through a mutual friend who spoke very highly of her teaching methods. In my first lesson, my expectations were already exceeded. Isabel mixes smart ways of teaching the language with fun facts where your knowledge on Portuguese history and culture can also be strengthened. A most welcoming teacher, always open to doing her best in any way she can. I had loads of fun every single time I joined the lessons. If you are looking for a different and creative way to learn a language quickly, these lessons are for you!

Kiara Walz

German, (living in Lisbon)

Als jemand, der bald nach Portugal ziehen würde, und nur sehr begrenzte Kenntnisse der portugiesischen Sprache hatte, wurde ich durch einen gemeinsamen Freund, der ihre Lehrmethoden sehr lobte, an Isabel verwiesen. Schon in meiner ersten Stunde wurden meine Erwartungen übertroffen. Isabel mischt eine intelligente Art, die Sprache zu lernen, mit unterhaltsamen Fakten, mit denen man auch sein Wissen über portugiesische Geschichte und Kultur vertiefen kann. Eine sehr einladende Lehrerin, die immer bereit ist, ihr Bestes zu geben. Ich hatte jedes Mal, wenn ich am Unterricht teilnahm, eine Menge Spaß. Wenn Sie auf der Suche nach einer anderen und kreativen Art sind, eine Sprache schnell zu lernen, ist dieser Unterricht genau das Richtige für Ihnen!

Kiara Walz

Deutsch, (Unterkunft in Lissabon)
